Testimonials from Tax Preparers

Testimonials from Tax Preparers

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. These results are not an average. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

“My work processes and procedures were already well-developed when I joined the program. I’m an obsessive organizer by nature, but Sandi showed me how I can apply that talent to marketing and sales too. I’m making strides every day in developing and refining my marketing and sales processes based on the principals I learned in Accountant’s Accelerator. I definitely have more free time to work ON my business. I also have more free time to enjoy with my husband and our three dogs. No more late nights at the office for me!” –Melissa L. Spoharski, EA

“I joined Accelerators in the summer after tax season and I have been quite happy with the results I have seen. The first big ah-ha for me came while reading the “5 Simple Steps” binder. Sandi’s networking strategy worked so much better than my old way. In a recent networking meeting, we had people asking if they could book their tax appointments early (now) in case my calendar fills up fast, they don’t want to be left out. I used Sandi’s ideas from the “Pricing, Packaging and Positioning” binder and fine- tuned my packaging idea in a Q&A call. Clients love the simplicity. When setting up the package pricing, I also put in the work to systematize the package which allows me to delegate the package set up to a subordinate employee.” Leah Morrison, Morrison Consulting LLC

“I was onboard yesterday and was very informative. I’m very much looking forward to your next one!” –A.P., Tax Preparer

Revenue Clarity:
“It gave me motivation and clarity to what I need to do to generate more income.” — Karen Kersey, EA, www.kerseytax.com

“I want to personally thank you for “5 Simple Steps”! I have not yet implemented everything, so I’ll just mention the ones we have: a) Our office does payroll but we weren’t aggressively marketing the service until I got involved with you and the results/responses have been great. b) NUMBER ONE (1), EL NUMERO UNO is PRICING, PRICING, PRICING : I/we use to FLIP-FLOP and try to evaluate what we THINK people can pay e.g. We neglected to even input FIRM Price for Tax Returns in our Software, we would charge per Return. Well Sandi, since getting involved with you through 5 Simple Steps and the Accelerator Program, we have “Fixed Pricing” for ALL Tax Returns using Forms Price, Schedules Price, Worksheet Price and WOW, WOW! There have been Returns where I would have been charging $500 and now charging 3 to 4 times NOW and GUESS WHAT, the CLIENTS are paying and NOT complaining because they are seeing the detailed price so they know/perceive that it is NOT a number that was randomly chosen. Ohh, ohh, one more: “Package Pricing” – words cannot describe the success rate in just a couple of months since the call. We have clients requesting and signing up Monthly Consultation including in their Accounting and Tax Agreement. Sandi Smith – YOU ROCK!
Hubert MCINTOSH EA, www.re-mmap.com

“Thank you so much for this AWESOME bonus, you’re truly a blessing!” —Hubert McIntosh

“I am very pleased with the website you created for me. It is very professional looking and most important targets the market I am going after.” — Billy Barton, Barton’s Tax & Accounting Service, www.bartonstaxandaccounting.com

“I now see the difference in the quality of work you provide versus the work other website developers do. NICE JOB!!” — Billy Barton, Barton’s Tax & Accounting Service, www.bartonstaxandaccounting.com

“Your ideas and wording are very helpful. It is truly amazing how quickly you come up with such great wording. I really feel your program has been a great motivator for me and my practice.” —Cheryl J. McCarthy, E.A., Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, The Accounting Advisor, www.theaccountingadvisor.com

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. These results are not an average. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.