Client Results

Testimonials from CPAs

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. These results are not an average. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

“Sandi Leyva really gets it. She gets the accountant’s pain and understands the difficulty of marketing an accounting firm. She really connects with her audience and makes sure that they get valuable resources to help them do the things that they need to do. You’ll be amazed by Sandi’s knowledge of the accounting world and how she can help others get to the level that they need to get to, to do the things they want to do with their companies and with their lives.” – R. Shawn McBride

“A client that left me 6 years ago has asked me to come back and it is all because of your newsletter and my website you designed. He was so impressed with the content of the newsletter that he then checked out my website and gave me a call to tell me he would like to be a client again.” –Cheryl C. Monahan, CPA

Josh Wilking“The results have already exceeded my expectations, and I feel like the momentum is just starting to build. For me, this was not only about growing my revenue. It was about bringing in the right kind of client and learning to say no to the wrong kind. When I first came to you, I was burnt out. I felt like work had taken over every aspect of my life. I was working too much and billing too little. My wife and I had a baby on the way and we knew that without some changes, it was not going to work. Signing up for your program was one of the best business decisions I’ve made. You’ve helped me to target my marketing efforts at the businesses that I truly enjoy working with, and given me the confidence to move on from the clients that are a bad fit. All in all, I’m now working less, enjoying it more, and as if that wasn’t great enough, I’m even making more money. I can finally say that I’m in control of this practice, and I’ve never been so optimistic about the future. I would enthusiastically recommend you and your program to any accountant out there, whether they’re just getting started, or like me, want to reboot an established practice.” —Josh Wilking, CPA, Josh Wilking Accounting Services

“Sandi Smith Leyva is an accounting-marketing genius. Her marketing programs for accountants and bookkeepers are truly innovative and unique. In my ninth month as a sole practitioner, I was desperate for clients and, much to my disappointment, ready to seek employment elsewhere. Then I discovered Accountant’s Accelerator and Jump Start. Both programs provided me with the support I needed to continue with my practice. The programs offer me the flexibility to be able to work on them at my own pace but also the opportunity to participate in live webinars and have my questions answered on the spot by Sandi. The Jump Start program gave me the confidence I needed to host my own presentations with each presentation gaining me at least one new contact. I am now in my eighteenth month of business thanks to Sandi’s programs.

Since joining Jump Start and Accountant’s Accelerator, I have also purchased an Accelerator website and Biz Boost News. I was impressed with how quickly my website was up and running (about a week). Thanks to Sandi’s SEO skills, within one week of my new site going live, I received an email from the contact form on my site. This is something that didn’t happen in the entire year I had my old site. I can’t wait to see what other leads I get from my fantastic new website. I have incorporated Biz Boost News into my website and the process couldn’t have been easier. Sandi’s articles are applicable to any small or medium-sized business and the fact that they are professionally written for me saves me tons of time so I can focus on my clients.

The customer service I have received from Sandi and her team is second to none. My questions are always answered promptly and I’m never left wondering if they received my email. Even though Accountant’s Accelerator is an exceptional marketing program, Sandi is constantly coming up new webinars focused on current issues in the accounting world, making AA even better. Thank you, Sandi, for having such an amazing line of products and services especially for accountants!” –Michelle Cornish, CGA, Enderby, BC, Canada

“Hey, thanks for the program. I felt I was too far along for this but I can tell you it was what I needed AND I need more. I’m going to sign up for ongoing participation. You kick me out of my comfort zone and that makes you the Partner I need in my firm!”–A. M. Klatzkin, CPA

“You’re a breath of fresh air for the accounting industry.” – Steve Dworchaks, CPA

I was amazed to see how much progress I’ve made this year. The numbers are beautiful. Yes, I attribute the lion’s share of this growth to the strides I’ve made by following the guidance in Accountants’ Accelerator! I have been surprised lately to realize I am coming home earlier. This is especially because I’m also going in later. And I’m not doing client work on the weekends. Hmmm… It is absolutely incredible to realize I am making more money while working less, both at the same time! –BA Jones, CPA

“The small gains I made this past year were giant steps for my practice. Signing up for the next round of Sandi’s Accountant$ Accelerator was a no brainer.” BA Jones, CPA

“This has been an incredible journey for me. I started eight (8) months late with the 2012 Accelerator program and had to play catch up with the recorded sessions, complete the 5 Simple Steps and the P3: Pricing, Packaging and Positioning for Powerful Marketing Results. I was then able to continue on into the 2013 Accelerator program. I’ve been able to make significant financial gains in my business, not only for myself, but for my employees and my clients and I have improved the quality of my personal life. It could not get much better than that!” Rhonda Rosand, CPA, New Business Directions

“The biggest changes I made in my business was adding a team and determining where we want to focus our growth based on the revenue models Sandi taught early in the course. This has enabled me to delegate work, serve more clients, and focus on higher value work. In addition, more carefully focusing our growth and being willing to add seasonal help has led to more off-busy-season streams of revenue that enables us to flatten the workload out and hopefully maintain a lower level of craziness in busy season than we were headed towards before.” –Julie Babcock-Hyde CPA, PLLC

“Love your newsletters and your ideas! Looking forward to the vCon in November.”— Julie Babcock-Hyde CPA, PLLC

“I can’t say enough great things about you and your Accountant’s Accelerator program. I have implemented so many things that have helped me with my marketing and my website, as well as other areas of my business. I always look forward to your calls where you answers questions, review websites and look at marketing materials of everyone else in the program. It’s so helpful! Thanks, Sandi!” Laura Sabbagh CPA

“Sandi is always on the leading edge of practice management – systems, technology, marketing, and time management.  I have learned lots from her on all fronts.  Most impressive to me is her knowledge about technology.  I have often been referred to as a computer geek (and proudly wear that badge) because I have been paperless, cloud based and have been running a virtual office since 2004, but I look like I am in Kindergarten compared to Sandi!  In the past year and a half, Sandi has introduced me to several accounting and technology tools that have improved my firm’s project management (nothing slips through the cracks) and have helped me offer new accounting system alternatives that none of my competitors offer.

I have also began to utilize skills learned from Sandi for marketing presentations to prospects that differentiate me from my competition, and time management skills that are beginning to allow me to be more effective during the day and to concentrate on marketing.

I HIGHLY recommend Sandi and the Accountant’s Accelerator Program!” Scott Sander, CPA

“I joined the Accountant’s Accelerator 2013 program because I felt like I needed some direction in how to go about growing my accounting and bookkeeping business. Wow, did I ever find it! The program has helped me in so many ways – it’s become much more clear to me what I need to do and what I don’t need to do. The tools and resources provided as part of the program are worth the cost of the program alone – but you also get tons of great advice and direction – including specific action plans for a variety of business-building activities – direct from Sandi Smith Leyva. Going through the Accountant’s Accelerator program has given me the confidence I needed to grow my business – and the evidence is right there on the top of my income statement. My revenues have doubled since I entered the program.” Ali Maloy, CPA, Maloy Accounting

“My income is up 25% over last year. I attribute part of that increase to things I learned in Accountant’s Accelerator. Accountant’s Accelerator is a friendly, open dialogue environment. Sandi answered whatever questions anyone asks. She has a system but does not force us into her mold. She was able to give me enough examples so that I could adapt my personality into her system.” Wanda Schebel, CPA

I took a course with Sandi in Philadelphia. I live about 60 miles away. I endured getting up in the middle of the night (it seemed like the middle of the night) I drove down through terrible traffic among drivers who drive with their horns. I got to the building and had to go through god awful security. When I got in the seminar all that went away. Sandi was awesome. The information will be a great deal of assistance that should increase my profitability.I will take more courses with Sandi and you should too. –Bill Maslo, CPA

“I am so glad you recommended the staffing workshop for me – I needed this. It was like “windex” clearing the foggy glass in my mind, helping me to see/think with clarity. What a God-sent pick-me-up!” — D.M. CPA, EA

“Thank you, Sandi, it’s been a great program, and I look forward to going over the transcripts again to absorb what I didn’t get the first time around. Many thanks!” Laura Lee Laundre CPA

“I am still pretty new but I just listened to the time batching unplugged again and it was just what I needed. Thank you for this product b/c sometimes we know things but we often get stuck in our own “insanity” cycle no matter the age of the business. So I am implementing a few things to make my time more exclusive and profitable and not running after every sale. Thanks again.” –Joye Smith, CPA

“I first found Sandi Smith on the QuickBooks ProAdvisor web page in 2010, my first tax season with my own firm. I bought her book, 5 Steps to Get More Clients, because I only had 5 and needed some and liked that it was written by a CPA. I got great information from the book that helped me define who I wanted to serve and my message and my practice grew.
I went on to hire Sandi for one-on-one coaching for a month before tax season in 2011. Within a week after implementing some simple guidance from her first call I was able to sign up a high 4 figure client that I had been trying to bring on for a while. She has also helped me clarify my staffing needs and hiring process, improve my time management, learn how to improve my marketing systems and much much more. Because of Sandi’s help I was able to triple my gross revenues from 2010-2011 and expect to do the same in 2012.
Sandi’s CPA and QuickBooks background, degree in neuroscience, and experience in the accounting field are a rare combination and makes her uniquely qualified to help accountants start and/or grow their business beyond what they think is possible. I highly recommend her. —Suzanne Conrad, Owner, Suzanne W. Conrad, CPA,

“When I first heard Sandi mention “Offer packages to your clients”, I was a little skeptical. My first thought was “I’m going to lose my shirt that way. Doesn’t she know that the economy is bad?” 🙂 Nevertheless, I decided to give it the “old college try” and began offering packages last month. Today, I signed up another new client for Quickbooks setup and training. During our phone conversation, I asked “How did you hear about us? What made you decide to choose our services?” She responded that I was the only one that offered packages with detailed explanations of the services provided. Everyone else responded with the traditional one sentence answer “I charge X dollars and hour”. This really made my day! In just a short time, I feel like I’ve gained so much momentum by following this program.
Alana Bryant, CPA, Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, SB Consulting LLC,

Transcript: Hello my name is Alana Bryant. I’m with SB consulting and I joined Sandi’s program last year. And it’s really helped me increase business and develop marketing packages. And recently I was able to get a new client and it increased my monthly revenues by about 15%. And I really recommend the program.

“By implementing Sandi’s ideas, I had my best tax season ever. I have gained at least four hours a week by making changes to my daily routine – now I get more done without increasing the number of work hours! My day is more enjoyable, and my stress level has gone way down.” –Partner, Mid-sized CPA firm

“The Web site looks fantastic. Your edit work brings clarity to my message to the marketplace. You learned my business and how to position it on the Web to maximize potential client interest. You removed the headaches from the process and handled a bunch of administrative tasks for me. I really appreciate the small touches (e.g. providing links to PGP). It makes all the difference in the world. And all well within my budget. A job truly well-done.” – Joel Lanz, Principal, Joel Lanz, CPA, P.C., Jericho, NY

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. These results are not an average. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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